Monday, May 31, 2004

Jonathan Skinner has some interestinq questions here...
"'Giving permission' is, of course, a crucial first step, but there's a lot more to teaching poetry to young people, especially to young people in troubled circumstances. From another angle, it strikes me that the failure of 'langpo' related writing to articulate a poetry-in-the-schools pedagogy (beyond continually rehashing Bernadette Mayer's Writing Experiments) is a MAJOR weakness. Are there any
post-expressivist teaching anthologies and/or pedagogical texts out there?
I can think of books by Bernadette Mayer (Science Writing) and Jack Collom,
but who else . . . ? Obviously, many 'langpo'-related writers do teach
poetry in the schools, so there must be a huge pool of experience to draw on
for such an anthology. Or is there?"