Saturday, May 26, 2007

"More than once, from this account, the First World War emerges not just as an inevitable clash between imperialist forces but as a great conspiracy of the rulers everywhere to rid themselves even if only temporarily from the intolerable demands of their subjects..."

from Paul Foot's review of the 1997 reprint of George Dangerfield's 1935 The Strange Death of Liberal England,long sought after & eagerly anticipated by this blog, acquired at Literacy Nanaimo yesterday along with Eric Bentley's "Thirty Years of Treason", a vast collection of testimony from the House Unamerican Activities Comittee--including those who named names (Sterling Hayden, Lee J. Cobb) and those who didn't (Lionel Stander, Zero Mostel) Walter Bagehot's "English Constitution" (with a 60 page intro by Richard Crossman) & vol 2 of "The Diplomats" featuring Moltke, Bullitt & the slide into WWll & a book called "The Pocket Venus" about a Victorian sex/horse-racing scandal...with change from a twenty!