Wednesday, September 19, 2007

droll essay about Chairman Frank's wonderful "concept" album Watertown, though admittedly not as strong on the music as it should be--

"I think critics paint with too broad a brush in thinking that Watertown was an effort to attract the Woodstock generation—an effort Sinatra even at his most deluded must have realized was hopeless. Demographics do not break down into neat packets, with the Wake Island generation yielding directly to the Woodstock generation. The bulk of Sinatra's listeners were in fact tweeners slightly younger than himself. Tom Brokaw is unlikely to write a book-length encomium to this generation... But hey, they fought the Korean war, and they were the real Watertown generation—young enough to have their marriages wrecked by the sexual revolution, but too old to enjoy the benefits of women's lib and consequence-free copulation..."

(a download with a nice note)