much reading aloud to Daph from random chapters of
RS Surtees' hilarious Victorian "sporting" novels "Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities" and "Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds" this weekend, as wind & hail lashed the manse--
" ‘Oh, say nothin’,’ replied Jack; ‘we’ve nothin’ to do with nobody but Puff, and we couldn’t mention them without bringin’ in our Flat Hat men too, Blossomnose, Fyle, Fossick, and so on. Besides, it would spoil all to say that Guano was up -- people would say directly it couldn’t have been much of a run if Guano was there. You might finish off,’ observed Jack, after a pause, ‘by saying that ‘‘after this truly brilliant affair, Mr Puffington, like a thorough sportsman, and one who never trashes his hounds unnecessarily -- unlike some masters,’’ you may say, ‘‘who never know when to leave off’’ (that will be a hit at Old Scamp,’ observed Jack, with a frightful squint), ‘ ‘‘returned to Hanby House, where a distinguished party of sportsmen -- ’’ or, say ‘‘a distinguished party of noblemen and gentlemen’’ -- that’ll please the ass more -- ‘‘a large party of noblemen and gentlemen were partaking of his’’ -- his -- what shall we call it?’
‘Grub!’ said Sponge.
‘No, no -- summut genteel -- his -- his -- his -- ‘‘splendid hospitality!’’ ’ concluded Jack waving his arm triumphantly over his head.
‘Hard work, authorship!’ exclaimed Sponge, as he finished writing, and threw down the pen.
‘Oh, I don’t know,’ replied Jack; adding, ‘I could go on for an hour.’ "