
very interesting looking Blast of Silence on TCM late tomorrow....
The Hill, quite possibly the shoutiest movie ever made...
Having to work within the thinnest of shoestring budgets, Baron elected to use, as few filmmakers had before, the expressive potential of New York City; bringing his camera into the streets of midtown Manhattan at Christmastime, to Rockefeller Center, Harlem, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. Whether it was a conscious strategy or the result of having no resources to create a setting for his tale from scratch, this unglamorous, rather desolate photography of the city by Merrill S. Brody (who also acted as the film's producer) worked immeasurably to Baron's advantage. Indeed, as a directorial debut, Blast of Silence is an altogether prodigious achievement...
& earlier, Sean Connery & a crack team of UK thesps chew the scenery old-school in Sidney Lumet's super-intense WWll brig opera
The Hill, quite possibly the shoutiest movie ever made...