Winchester '73
for Weldon Hunter
Cowslips linearize
goodman frigates,
highlight space,
& transmit to
dodecahedron citadels
a kind of Kantian paragraphing,
shoulder Centralia's rift
while whitewash is being
hellenized with theremin.
These are the
foundations of Julie--
historical shamrock broils
where whoop! we suspect Murray
has theodored the fatherland--
a theory that conflicts with
the Raritan wind (riffling
with a fire's pride) but
soothes theorists
Dodger Citywide--
Dutifulness the henchman,
Wyatt Earnestness.
History broadens
in the rifle's construct,
butchered by Dutchess Henpeck's
fried ambulance.
Linkers steer
toward Winkers.
Two-day Lathrop
penalized his rifle in
a poker game
with Joe Lamp but
by inference was transformed--
lamented in latrines
kilometered by your bulldozing,
indentured, where before he'd hoped
to withstand by merely chewing.
Meanwhile, the Linux league
frowns on Jacob Veasey the salt keeler--
but for Tasmanians to uphhold
such Johnstown deals
is outdated.
Spalding intoxicates the
U.S. Cavalier uninterestingly--
whatever beechwood
hazing he'd surmised
from the youth's bulged warts
the thermometer
had by now moravianized,
buttressed only where
Lindstrom had Shoshoneed.
Killebrew Yourself.
Witness on diskette
the cowardly fate
of Lola Mandarin,
the dandelion's halting girlfriend.
Thermometers jammed with homers
witness the possibility
of Hottentot pacifications
but Waco Johnny kills such
sterilizations with gunfire--
duties hence quizzing,
thereabouts winging ,
for platforms bankrupting.
A tastefully and thankfully
sampled day--
linkage kills mensuration,
in an arena leafy therapists
bantam cocks
to ensure Gunnar.
Link takes office,
long afterglow his broil,
wholly heart his backorder.
Tractarians, tories, historians, bronzes--
calculative Himalayas
giveaway their namesakes to
Maturation McAdams,
(maniacal, though sneakier)
but behaviorally still himself
he relocates,
but thereafter winged.
A theoretical shopper he finds
vast therapies, fatty deacons.
latinity, retentions to taste,
thermofaxing Winthrop's
highly sparkled &
retroactive armour.