Tsawasssen/Boundary Bay trees
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Stravinsky Says 2.
Well if the pimps outnumber the pigeons
the players still outnumber the nay sayers--
"living off your income" is the new encomium!
Bush baby wrinkles checking for ammo
in a dog day dawn all swathed in pink cammo,
devouring a Denny's Grand Slam Supremo--
The Institute of Pederastics
announced the Heat Death of Disco
at the moment the collected works on Columbia
could be traded for less than a light quarter of bunk,
two cartons of Newport Kings or 24 Yuengling (cans)
SOUTH of DC, post-production
thrown in for free.
No libretti, no maps, no phones--
they mostly just like to leave you alone
up to your hips in the microtones
till the cuneiform fits the uniform--
ears dragged bleeding backwards through blackberries
and dark chromatic woods
varnish through which a crystal set has played
for a hundred years on every other day.

more on Max Roach
"'Max . . . has a flair for 'floating'—playing patterns between the soloist's phrases without interfering or disrupting them. This kind of 'sensitive intrusion' is a very special gift. Only a handful of percussionists can separate themselves bodily from the time in order to add another separate linear, yet rhythmic string of improvisational phrases—without altogether shredding the musical fiber of the performance...'"

more on Bolaño
"Half-done we remain, neither cooked nor raw, lost in the vastness of this endless trash heap, wandering and getting ourselves wrong, killing and begging pardon, manic-depressive characters in your dream, Father, your limitless dream that we have unravelled a thousand times and more than a thousand times again, Latin American detectives lost in a labyrinth of crystal and mud . . . lost in the misery of your utopian dream, Father, lost in the variety of your voices and abysses, manic-depressives in the uncontainable room in Hell where you cook up your Jokes..."
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Thanks for the purple insulator, Miranda
Now when I go through customs
I’ll have something to declare!
The whole time I thought
I was making pearls
I was just making owl pellets
like Prince as Darth Vader
in a good way
but that’s ok too—
the horoscope’s indication
as always a fakir’s trick
with its false forking Frost
fucking turnpikes not taken—but neither
the road to Utopia nor
the slippery slope inhibit
the spiral of growth--
we breathed in a million ferns
in the time it took for the radio
to shut up for Tuesday recorder favorites--
in the fridge there are two experimental biscuits
that the kid in Bojangles gave us last night,
one is Epic, the other Pastoral
one is a bowl of milk
the other is a box of legos & an exacto knife
(btw it turns out those humbos
weren’t fighting because we’d let them run out
of their narcissistic supply
--they just like to fight!)
between the biscuits is a pool of icing
that has been crystalising
since the ozone hit the mountain,
no ice age to retreat from
the sugar just
stayed put!
The Universal Mind of Bill Evans part 1 don't miss this if you're any kind of fan, or if you teach jazz, or poetry...
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5

continuing with the Brazil/US nexus Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66 (with Lani Hall) do "Wichita Lineman & Day Tripper...
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