"If we are to avoid a megalopolis five hundred miles long, a city without shape or exit, a nightmare of ranch houses, highways, suburbs and industrial sludge," he wrote in a 1964 essay in Architectural Forum, "then there is only one solution: the cities must climb, they must not spread, they must build up, not by increments, but by leaps, up and up, up to the heavens."
The universal cries of liberation heard on the streets of Cairo, Tunis, Benghazi, Damascus, Sanaa, and elsewhere, have in no small measure awakened the global art world to the intricacies of the transitional politics of which it had studiously remained oblivious. These are interesting times, in which artists, curators, and institutions may be compelled to choose sides. The question is, Which side? To my mind, the several petitions that have been circulated in the past months have failed in one striking respect—namely, their inability to engage the larger complexities of the geopolitics of art, much of which they seek to smooth away. If the capacity for critique and defense of the ideals of free thought is to remain the bedrock of all serious art, then we must submit statements proffered on behalf of art themselves to scrutiny. The paradox is that while the long Arab Spring continues apace, setting off tremors that have terrified even China, something in the opportunistic response of the art world to recent events feels decidedly autumnal....