Starting school — people act as if there’s something inherently virtuous to it. Setting your shoulder to the wheel, your nose to the grindstone, putting away childish things. Knuckling down — they can’t wait to get you knuckling down, as if you become a real person only when you start doing things you don’t want to do. God forbid you should spend your life running around the park. What if everyone did that? Who would poison the rats? Who would sue the government?
A lunar topographic map showing the Moon from the vantage point of the eastern limb. In this view, the yellow circles represent some of the 5185 craters equal to or greater than 20 km found on the Moon and counted in this study.
The Personal Libraries Library is a specially-curated lending library located in Portland, Oregon. The Library is dedicated to recreating the personal libraries of artists, philosophers, scientists, writers and other thinkers & makers.
I pointed out that the moment when the stairway to heaven becomes something actually POSSIBLE for the audience, would also be the moment of greatest danger...
"the Southern Pacific streamliner Shasta Daylight, passing 14,161 foot Mt Shasta on the scenic 718-mile Shasta Route between Portland, Oregon and San Francisco, California."
RIP Claude Chabrol my favorite director of the "new wave"...