Thursday, May 07, 2009

Spice Paper - The MUJI Taste-Leaf Book

Need some pepper? Just tear out the perforated page and add it to the dish! Edible quality paper embedded with the spice dissolve into the
food, adding the much needed flavoring. The moisture and heat ensure that the spices mix in well.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Science of Kevin Bacon
When mathematician Steven Strogatz and his PhD student Duncan Watts set out to investigate why some crickets chirp in unison the young Australian got inspired by his father's words in a phone call: "Did you know that you are only six handshakes from any person on Earth?" Watts thought this might explain why his crickets are such good synchronizers but he had no idea that this question would lead him to a major discovery in an emerging branch of research - network science...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

A Journey Round My Skull: Poets Ranked by Beard Weight

Excerpted and abridged from The Language of the Beard, originally circulated by The Torchbearer Society, London, 1913. Commentary by Gilbert Alter-Gilbert...

Monday, May 04, 2009

TCM has an interesting lineup tonight, including early Charles Laughton, the terrific film of Kenneth Fearing's "The Big Clock" & von Sternberg's "Crime & Punishment" with Peter Lorre!!
I missed Bill Moyers Journal on Friday, too...

A new debate followed the release of the Department of Justice's Office
of Legal Counsel memos approving extreme measures of interrogation
under the Bush administration. Bill Moyers sits down with Bruce Fein,
former deputy attorney general under President Ronald Reagan and
chairman of the American Freedom Agenda, and Mark Danner, who has been
reporting on the US treatment and interrogation of detainees for the

South Delta trees

Friday, May 01, 2009

Sam Raimi's immortal "Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn" on TCMUnderground tonight...