Monday, February 23, 2004

Shrink Rap by Joy Press: "'Skinner was able to systematically evoke and explain much of human folly, why we do dumb things even when we're not consistently rewarded,' she writes admiringly. 'Why perfectly normal people empty their coffers in smoky casinos' or women wait by the phone for a guy to call. Skinner may have deciphered the mechanisms of compulsion, but that doesn't stop Slater from being driven by her own compulsive curiosity. She pursues Skinner beyond normal scholarly limits, hoping to unravel the creepy rumors about him�that he was a sadist who imprisoned his own infant daughter in one of his boxes and drove her to suicide. By chapter's end, she has infiltrated his family homestead and is nibbling on a stale piece of chocolate that Skinner was consuming when he died a decade ago. "