Thursday, September 09, 2004

"Ayalik shoots RCMP Constable Lelliott, 1960" from the Sissons/Morrow Collection

"Justice Sissons became an avid collector of Inuit art during his decade in the North. His collection of carvings dealing with the outstanding trials of his northern career began when one of the accused coming before him, Kaotak, a man found not guilty of killing his father, presented him with a carving in 1956. It gave the man's impression of being on trial. This first carving launched the Justice Sissons' carving collection.

From that day on, on completion of a particularly noteworthy case, Justice Sissons would seek out local carvers whom he commissioned to depict the events in stone, ivory, caribou antler, soapstone and metal. Sometimes he would enlist the local priest or store manager to explain what he wanted; other times he would talk to the carver himself. Justice Morrow succeeded Justice Sissons in 1966. Justice Morrow continued to collect carvings of notable cases and added 3 carvings to the collection. Upon Justice Sissons' death in 1969, the collection was given to the people of the North, deeded in trust to the Northwest Territories Bar Association." (thanks RS)  Posted by Hello