Monday, November 22, 2004

memoirs of Thomas Jones

"Two small rooms under the Stair Case, on the Ground-floor were allotted to a poor woman to live in on condition that she took care of the Portone or Great Street Door, and supply with Oil a lamp which was placed before a picture of the Virgin at the foot of the Stairs -- The first floor was inhabited by a [deletion] kind of Attorney & his wife -- On the second, lived an old Baron who had parted from his Lady Baroness, and kept an old Woman as housekeeper -- The third floor, which in Naples, is reckoned the genteelest and consequently the dearest being vacant fell to my Lot -- and which, with the exclusive Use of the Lastrica, I engaged 'till the 4th of the May following for the very moderate Sum of 20 Ducats -- From this Lastrica by which Term the flat roofs of the houses in Naples, surrounded by parapet Walls, are called; I say from this Lastrica you Commanded a view over great part of the City, with the Bay, Mountains of Sorrento & Island of Capria -- on the other Side, the Rocks, Buildings, & vineyards about Capo de Monte -- and where I spent many a happy hour in painting from Nature -- " Posted by Hello