more tales of PJ Proby
"I relate to Proby the tale of a kid I once knew who swears to this day that he saw PJ jump through a giant paper hoop on Top Of The Pops, while singing Hold Me. He has no proof. No fanzine curator can confirm it. The BBC wiped all those early TOTPs years ago. So did ya do it Jim? 'Yes I did. Onto a sprung floor as well. The crew didn't wanna do it 'cos of the risk of injury. They wanted to show a cartoon with me on it and then a shot of me stepping through. I said, No I'll dive through it. You couldn't rehearse it. I would have broken their prop. Once that thing was up you couldn't see the floor so I did it blind on live TV.' And burned himself into the consciousness of a 10-year-old in the process. And yes, dear reader, I was that Saul on the road to Damascus.