Thursday, July 21, 2005

good-ish take on Cirque du Soleil, but once again its definitive zinging on the Simpson's (as "Cirque de Puree" & some years back, too) is ignored, or is that process of simpsonification presumed to have already happened already, to everything?--

"I arrived a few minutes late and found the stage occupied by a small goat-man with forest leaves protruding from his trousers and his hair gelled into a three-point salute. "Pfffft!" he said, to much laughter. A few moments later, an angel dressed in white descended from the heavens. The goat-man regarded the angel with mock fury until the angel rose and began to perform trapeze stunts with the aid of a hammock. This seemed to satisfy the goat-man and he departed at stage right."

& from The Simpsons December 2000, "Skinner's Sense of Snow"--

"Acrobats perform to colored lights and whimsical music. Suddenly, a clown with a pushcart interrupts the show.

Clown: Wait, wait! I cannot get the lid off my jar of rainbows. Who will help me?

[points to a man in a
double-breasted suit] You, sir!

Man: [heavy French-Canadian accent] But I cannot help you, I am just a local merchant from ... this town.

Homer:[yelling from the audience] Just smash it open!

Clown: Oh, you can do it if your heart is pure

-- or puree.
[audience laughs]

[the man opens the jar, and rainbow-colored light appears
to spill from it. The man, who is suspended on wires, is
lifted up and "flies" around the tent as more whimsical
music plays]

Marge: They always pick the guy with the wires."

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