Friday, October 21, 2005
(A Letter from Hammertown to the Bottom of the East River)
Well screw you
Albert Ayler,
it is so about me--
if I could
leap the pommelhorse
of self I wouldn't
have failed gym,
let alone the real horses
I pemmicaned on field trips,
the chicken pavilions,
veal pens, the eels
I stashed without appetite, Creeley
reminds us
that all heat is derived
from some animal,
that deliberate misreading
ends in disappointment,
like Burgess Meredith
as Borges--
libraries are for losers,
no more than a bus passenger
controls the route
can we be said
to skate between the periods &
you & Shepp
& all the armies of death metaldom
could no more wake Enitharmon
than a cheap brass clock
in an aluminum pail
struck by lightning.