Wednesday, December 14, 2005

interesting Deerhoof: Pitchfork Interview

" I completely disagree that there's ever a lack of newness. Anything anybody ever does is new, it's never happened before. Everything. If I take a sip of this water, I've never taken a sip of this water before, at this moment. There's no way in the world that you're gonna convince me that the world of indie rock or the world of rock or the world of music is in any way lacking in life because music is not lacking in life. Music is everywhere, all the time, and it always has been. Even before human kind. Birds have voices too, and any animals. Everything that happens in a new day sheds a different light not just on our albums but on everything. That's why it's so fun to go back to much older music, and see-- it's amazing to me that there is music that still means something to somebody years later. Decades ago or centuries ago. No panel is necessary. Music does not need to be saved."
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