happily received:
Monica Fauble TO PLACE TWO PALMS TOGETHER Philadelphia 2006 (excuse formatting)
I might be/a very bad/
Buddhist/but I
am an excellent/
ice skater
Michael Scharf FOR KID ROCK TOTAL FREEDOM Spectacular Red Hook 2007
"The contradictions produced by power are shared, and their
articulation, by poets and others, is a real, if unwanted, func-
tion within society, as is the modeling, in poems and other
media, of other possible modes of power, as on Saturdays on
Rain's tiny dancefloor on N 5 Street in Williamsburg, where I
was first brought by poets, and where the men of the neigh-
borhood admit me to a space of mutual movement that sub-
sumes in an explicit manner never approached on the street,
where I adjust my walk."