Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Ballad of the Man in the White Spot

To create a catchment for the blood
separate the lead from the egg
strain the salt through the mud
sop the gravy with a heel you've begged

Spring & we're still inhaling ornaments
Value Village tight with easter grails & pails
pulling tinsel through our fundaments
flossing with electric eels

This biscuit tastes of creosote
its a stratigraphic morsel
a puck in a vice on rice is nice
for packing plaster on the torso

Work it with a bent skate key
while acknowledging the math
let's sift this stretch of crumb tray beach
as if our habits formed a path

Then its "later..." like the kids say
trailing off on ceramic shins
over links, tussocks & old-style curbs
using their hands as fins