Class fenced but from the
upside only
not a compound but
an hedgerow Maginot
a pinball's tilted
bumpers to keep the lawn
from sliding downhill
to the holler's more collar-
based trenches & redoubts, big dogs
& smaller sightlines
curved streams
with salmon-bearing couches
thickets with frogs & birds &
valentine skunk cabbages,
clotheslined yard beasts wired tight
behind a grow so obvious--
perennial mossy boat & car
plastic-sheeted dowling pyramid
the frig-o-seal
pie container lids tied with
orange ribbon
that everyone uses
to mark off
the marked off,
tidelines of floods
both frequent &
that it must be a decorator choice
like lighting the torches
for the return of the DC-3's
laden with Spam & medicine
years after the storm of the century
had swept through the valley.