A Sampler
in memoriam Jonathan Williams
Skutz Falls on
Bruckner's 4th
non-fog salvia's
anecdote the antidote.
Clarence Bend
broke then re-broke the ice-ends
confectioner's toffee holes
patched the interior.
Gravel spot-welds
baked the basket's granite
into flakes of fondant
iced with dust.
Fornicating leaves
of each five one's upward
the vestige of Fielding Road
not excepted.
Mythago Wood
screech of harrier
screech of owl
permission to dig.
Sump path empties
into high river death splash
paint can pukes
it's last bridge tag.
Landfill campers stumble
four steps from the fence
gullets full of debt
mouths full of pebbles.
Enormously reduced
by reverse mapping
muskeg description
into pamphlet's gutter.